Privacy Policy

Le Va Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to us at Le Va. This policy’s purpose is to help you understand what information we collect, as well as how we use and safeguard that information. The Privacy Act 2020 regulates us on how we collect, use, hold, disclose, access, correct, manage and dispose of your personal information.
This policy pertains to all programmes within Le Va, including Aunty Dee, Atu-Mai, LifeKeepers and Mental Wealth.

Privacy Officer

To access, amend, withdraw or enquire about your data, please contact our Privacy Officer. The Chief Executive is the Privacy Officer for Le Va.

What we collect

  • Personal information where this is necessary to carry out our services effectively.
  • Non-personal information that cannot be used to personally identify you, such as anonymous usage data, general demographic information, referring pages, entry and exit pages,and platform types.

Personal Information

Effectively engaging with people and providing our services requires us to collect and use some personal information. However, we only collect the personal information you choose to give us, your employer has provided us, or that is required by us to adequately identify you. You can opt-out of our communications activities, such as receiving our newsletter, at any time.

We collect information about you from:

  • you, when you provide personal information about yourself to us, including via our website and any related service, through any contact with us, or when you use our services or products
  • third parties authorised by you to provide personal information or who provide publicly available information
  • a third party where this is allowed by law
  • if possible, we will collect personal information directly from you.

The information we may collect when you engage with us includes:

  • your name, age, gender, iwi and ethnicity
  • your contact details, including your address, email address and/or phone number
  • professional information such as qualifications, position, professional registration and your employer
  • your experience related to the programme topic (such as suicide prevention, training you have previously undertaken, connections with those at risk or recently impacted)
  • knowledge assessment scores pre- and post-training
  • your bank account number, other identifying documents, or other details required for us to pay you
  • the content of your enquiry
  • any questions or comments you submit via our blog or chat function
  • details of any events you have registered for, including dietary or other specific requirements
  • your responses to surveys, research, interviews or focus group discussions (these will usually be captured in a de-identified form)
  • your e-learning results
  • information that is required for a specific project or programme area information about your use of our website (explained further below).

Non-personal information

We collect the following information about your use of our website (please note we make no efforts to associate this with your identity unless you have signed up to our website):

  • your IP address
  • the search terms you used
  • the pages, resources, and files you accessed on our website and the links you clicked on
  • the date and time you visited the site
  • the referring site (if any) through which you clicked to our websiteyour operating system (such as Windows 10)
  • the type of web browser you use (such as Mozilla Firefox)
  • the type of device you use.

Third-party providers

We use some third-party providers to manage some of our engagement processes and services, such as newsletters, events registration, live chat and e-learning. Where we do this, any personal information you provide (such as your email address) may also be collected and stored by this provider and you should also check their privacy statements when using those services. We take steps to ensure that any providers we use protect any personal information they process for us.

We use the following third-party providers.

  • Google Analytics (by Google LLC) – to collect web analytics.
  • MailChimp (by The Rocket Science Group) – to deliver our subscription-only newsletters.
  • Survey Monkey (by Survey Monkey) – to conduct research and evaluation activities.
  • Gravity Forms (by Rocketgenious Inc.) – to collect information on fund applications.
  • Cognito Forms (by Cognito LLC)– to collect information on fund and scholarship applications.
  • Hotjar (by Hotjar Ltd.) – to conduct user questionnaires.
  • Arlo (by Arlo Software ltd.) – for event management.
  • Cornerstone (by Cornerstone OnDemand Inc.) – for recruitment purposes.
  • Stripe (by Stripe Inc.) – for secure online payment processing.
  • Mandrill (by The Rocket Science Group)- to conduct system-generated responses.
  • Learning Works (by LearningWorks Ltd.)- to support e-learning experiences.
  • Moodle- to customize e-learning management.

Links to social networking services

We use social networking services such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, TikTok, YouTube, Vimeo and Instagram to communicate with the public about our work. When you communicate with us using these services, the social networking service may collect your personal information for its own purposes.

These services may track your use of our website on those pages where their links are displayed. If you are logged into those services (including Facebook any Google service) while using our site, their tracking will be associated with your profile with them.

These services have their own privacy statements which are independent of ours. They do not have any access to the personal information we hold on our systems.

Storage, retention and security

We use third-party providers to store and process our data.

We store most of the personal information we collect and generate electronically on Microsoft Azure cloud servers located in Australia, Digital Ocean servers in Singapore and Amazon Web Services servers. We also use Microsoft Office 365 for our email and other office productivity applications. While your information may be stored overseas, we only use providers that have comparable privacy safeguards to New Zealand.

We retain personal information in compliance with the requirements of the Public Records Act 2005.


We take all reasonable steps to ensure any personal information we collect is protected against loss, unauthorised access and disclosure or any other misuse, including meeting the requirements prescribed by the New Zealand Government for the secure handling, storage and disposal of any protectively marked or security classified information.

We take reasonable steps to ensure that our third-party data processors can meet our privacy and security requirements.

What we do with your personal information

How we use it

We will only use the personal information you provide us for the purposes of delivering the services you have requested (such as registering you for an event, applying for funding) or carrying out our lawful functions.

Non-personal, non-identifiable information may be used for reports which may be assessed by third- parties, including researchers, government departments and funders to evaluate the effectiveness of Le Va’s work.

We may use your personal information to:

  • verify your identity
  • contact you about your request, query, registration or possible research or evaluation related to a workshop or event you participated in
  • ensure the clinical safety and wellbeing of our participants
  • provide additional support to ensure a positive end-user experience
  • follow up for research or evaluation you have already participated in
  • inform research, evaluation and quality improvement
  • send you electronic or hard copy newsletters, resources, or information you have requested
  • consider and respond to your enquiry
  • make a decision regarding your eligibility for funding
  • improve our website and the delivery of our online services
  • conduct internal statistical analysis and meet our reporting requirements
  • to protect and/or enforce our legal rights and interests, including defending any claim.

Where access to Le Va’s services (such as LifeKeepers) is being funded through a private company/organisation, personal details (name and role) and information regarding progress and completion may be shared with an individual’s employer (the employer will communicate this prior to making the training available to their staff) to ensure the individual is supported to complete the training in full.

Personal information pertaining to your clinical safety and wellbeing may be used to follow up with you. This information may be shared with third-parties if there are concerns about your immediate safety. Wherever possible, this will be communicated beforehand.

When we share it

We do not generally share your personal information with third-parties other than third-parties which are providing services to us. However, we may share your personal information, if necessary, to appropriately respond to your enquiry. We may share your personal information with a third-party where the disclosure is authorised by you.

We may share personal information if required by law (for example to assist with the investigation of a criminal offence), to prevent or lessen a serious threat to the health and safety of a person or the public, for statistical purposes where you will not be identified, or for any other lawful purpose under the Act. If our staff are threatened or abused, we may refer this to the Police.

Your privacy rights and how to contact us

The Act gives you rights to request access to and correction of the personal information we hold about you. You can take steps to control the ways we use your information (such as opting out of receiving newsletters). You can also complain to us at any time if you think we have misused your personal information.

Contact us to exercise any of these rights, including the right to complain about our privacy practices.

Contact us requesting access to or correction of your personal information
You have the right to request a copy of the personal information we hold about you (whether we have collected from you directly or from a third-party). You also have the right to ask us to correct your information if you think it is wrong.

We will process your request as soon as possible, and no later than 20 working days after we receive it.

We will be as open as we can with you, but please note that your right to request personal information may be limited if it breaches another person’s right to privacy or is subject to overriding national security legislation.

We may occasionally need to withhold personal information under sections 49-53 of the Privacy Act, for example where the information requested is legally privileged. However, we will only ever withhold information where necessary.

You may request a correction of personal information that you consider is inaccurate. Where the correction requested is not able to be made or we dispute the accuracy of the correction, we will make a note on your personal information.

Opting out of certain uses of your information

You can opt-out of receiving our newsletter or being included on any other subscription list or news feed by following the unsubscribe link at the end of the email or contacting us.

When you visit the Le Va website (and our programme-specific sites such as Atu-Mai, Aunty Dee, LifeKeepers, Mental Wealth) it will attempt to set cookies on your browser. A cookie is a text file that a website transfers to your browser to remember specific information about your visit or visits.

Some of these cookies may remain on your computer after you close your browser. Some of these cookies are from organisations we use to monitor website usage.

We do not use cookies to collect personal information about you, only about your browser session. The cookies make it easier for you to use the dynamic features of certain website pages.
You can configure your internet browser not to store cookies and set your browser to ask for your permission before it accepts a cookie.

Privacy breaches

All staff receive relevant information privacy training to minimise the risk of a privacy breach.

Personal information is only used for the purposes Le Va has declared it will be used for. If it is disclosed outside of the purpose, any potential impact on individuals affected is assessed once the incident is discovered. If the impact is likely to cause serious harm our Privacy Officer is notified, so an internal investigation can be carried out and an action plan implemented.

If a breach of privacy occurs that is likely to cause affected individuals serious harm (guidance on this is available through the Privacy Commissioner’s Notify Us tool on their website), the Privacy Officer will notify the Privacy Commissioner and any affected individuals unless an exemption under the Act applies.

Complaining about our privacy practices

We want to know if you have concerns about our privacy practices, whether these relate to the way we collect or share information about you or our decision on your access request. This allows us to try and put things right for you and helps us to identify and fix any problems with our systems or processes.

In the first instance, let us know about your concerns and we will try our best to resolve it. This could include escalating your concerns to a senior staff member to ensure we have made the right decision and fully considered your concerns.

Contact us

If we cannot resolve your concerns, then you have the right to complain to the Privacy Commissioner about our actions. In the first instance, please email or write to us at the following address, marking it for the attention of the Privacy Officer.

Le Va Privacy Officer
PO Box 76536
Manukau City 2241

Changes to the Privacy Policy

We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time.

Privacy Policy Version
December 2020 New policy published

Counselling Online Chat

Check In

Learning about mental health issues means you can check yourself and check in on your mates too. Click and drag side to side to scroll through the topics to learn more.

What is Mental Health?

Mental health is a state of mind.  Everyone has mental health, just as we all have physical health. Having positive mental health means we have strong relationships, and cope with everyday stress in life to reach our full potential.

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Myth-Busters for Mental Health Problems

Some people misunderstand what mental health problems really are. When this happens we can judge people the wrong way, exclude them and end up being disrespectful. We can change this by busting those myths together!

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How to check in

Have you got a mate who’s just not themselves lately? Maybe a family member who seems angry or withdrawn? Do you want to say something but are not sure how?

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It’s normal to feel sad, stressed, angry or miserable, especially if we’ve gone through stressful times.

Depression is more than this.

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We all know what it’s like to feel worried. Unfortunately for some people, worrying, feeling on edge and panic can be much more intense and overwhelming.

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A lot of people don’t think alcohol is a drug. It’s actually the most widely used and easily accessible drug in New Zealand. It can have a major impact on your mental health. There’s lots of help available to learn how to ease up on the drink.

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Being Bullied?

No-one deserves to be bullied. Bullying is a serious problem that can disrupt your life and lead to physical and emotional health problems. You don’t have to go through this alone. Help is available.

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Online Bullying

Online bullying, or cyber bullying, is when a person uses digital technology to send, post or publish content to hurt someone. There’s lots of tips on how to deal with this.

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What is healthy gaming?

Gaming is a normal and healthy part of our lives and it can have a positive impact on our mental health and wellbeing. For a small number of young people, gaming can have a more negative impact on everyday life.

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Grief is our natural response to loss – for example, we experience grief when someone close to us dies. We all experience grief differently. Some people start to feel better in weeks or months, for others, it’s years.

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Feel Good

There's only one of you and we want you to live well and feel good so you can be your best self. Check out tips and tools on how to feel good.





Looking for ideas of how to reduce our stress and anxiety? Practising mindfulness activities can help us chill out and clear our minds, so we can deal with things better.

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Sleep Well

A good sleep at night helps you manage better during the day. Learn to overcome those annoying things that keep you awake and how to get a good pattern of sleep.

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Relax. Breathe.

Your mental wealth relies on you taking the time to look after both your body and mind. Sometimes life gets so busy, and you forget to take time out to relax, rest and recharge. Breathing is another way to take your relaxation in life to the next level.

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Grow Gratitude

Did you know that feeling grateful for what we have can improve our mental wealth? Appreciating people and things makes us happy! But it takes a lot of practice so give it a try.

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Digital Detox

Recharge and refresh yourself! Perhaps it’s time to step away, have a break from those digital devices that take up all of our time and focus. Sometimes we can lose track of reality and our relationships with the real world. A digital detox might just help us recharge, regain sight of what’s important and take better care of ourselves.

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Eat Well

If we want to feel good, we need to make the right choices about what we eat and drink. What we eat and drink not only affects our appearance, but also our energy levels, and the way we think about feel about ourselves.

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Get Moving

A strong body supports a strong mind and can help us cope with things like stress, anger and anxiety. There’s lots of fun ways to get moving, on your own or with mates. Every little bit counts!

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Spirituality generates positive emotions in people. Whether it’s about having a greater purpose in life, a religion, or living out your personal values, spirituality can make us feel good.

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Cultural Identity

Culture gives us a sense of belonging, pride and identity. It’s something to celebrate and cherish. Find out how we can discover and nurture our cultural identities.

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Stay Connected

It's a fact that people who are connected are more likely to be happy. Find out how to stay connected so you look after your mental wealth.

Get help now

If you or someone you know is in immediate physical danger, call 111 now. If you’re experiencing mental health problems or need support, help is a phone call away.

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How to connect

Staying connected to friends, whānau, school, work, nature and the world around you is critical to your wellbeing.

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Understanding gaming: Tips for friends and whānau

Are you worried about a family member’s gaming habits and internet use? Learn how to engage in conversation with them.

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Screen Time Tips

We really value screen time because it can be fun and relaxing. But too much screen time can get in the way of other activities that are good for us, like socialising, sleep and exercise.

Finding a balance between time online and other activities is important for your physical and mental health.

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Intergenerational communication

Connecting with parents, grandparents, aunties or uncles can help us feel a sense of belonging.

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Aunty Dee

For when life sux, Aunty Dee can help you solve your problems.

Sparx e-therapy

e-therapy for young people who are feeling down, worried or stressed.

For Pasifika

Atu-Mai: culturally-based tools to support Pacific young people to unleash their full potential.


Online safety for New Zealand.


Here to help and here for you. Text Youthline on 234.

The Lowdown

Straight up answers for when life sux.

Common Ground

Advice and information on how to be part of a support network for a distressed young person.